Thanks Ben.  Unfortunately it is not for tabular data but page layout.   But
let me clarify that.  The main template (topnav, sidenav, footer) is in a
tabless format and validated.  The content area will have a 2 row, 3 column
layout.   Each cell will contain content, like highlights or list of
products, but not relate to eachother in a tabular fashion.  However each
cell has a bottom border that need to match up so if one cell expands in
height I need the rest to expand at the same rate.   Only a table can give
this or display: table-cell.   The table-cell would be perfect for this
issue except for Win IE.   So far I have it in a single table with styled
cells but was wondering if there is a trick to get Win IE to render
table-cell correctly or some way to do this tabless.

I am uncomfortable with hacks and am trying to avoid them as much as
possible.  I really appreciate all the links and info on Win IE hacks that
everyone has been giving but reading about how they work is not helping.  I
could really use an example of how to implement them.   Can you give me an
example of CC being used in a style sheet?


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ben Curtis
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Win IE hacks -- Please help!

On Aug 16, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Janelle Clemens wrote:

> My recent headache is trying to create a column/row of cells, like 
> what tables used to be used for, but with the display properties 
> table, table-row, table-column, table-cell.

Use a table.

Tables are valid HTML. You style them with CSS. When you have tabular data,
using anything else is unsemantic and wrong. If you have rows and columns,
then you have tabular data. Use a table.

The table tag is not banned for use in XHTML+CSS sites. Using tables to lay
your page out is a bad idea, but anything other than tables for tabular data
is a worse idea. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Oh, and regarding hacks for IE: remember that IE7 is coming out very soon,
and anything that relies on a parsing bug may behave unpredictably. Using "*
html" will likely mean that you will apply your hack to IE7 before you even
see how it does without the hack.  
Your best (only?) bet is the conditional comment option.

Remember: "Only hack the dead."


     Ben Curtis : webwright
     bivia : a personal web studio
     v: (818) 507-6613

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