On 19/8/05 8:22 AM, "chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <quote>Safari 1.3 and 2.0 are supposed to be identical</quote>
> I was recently working on a site that errors out completely in
> Safari/Tiger but works great in Safari/Panther.
> The error in Tiger is "too many http requests" when downloading images.
> However, viewing the activity bar for the same page, the error is shown
> for random images .. There's no (observable-to-me) consistency.
> Has anyone else witnessed a similar problem? I haven't located any
> resources yet.
> -chris

Are you sure that the Panther version of Safari you're using is 1.3? Safari
v1.3 *requires* 10.3.9, and in fact was part of that OS update. The
intention of the 1.3 update was to bring its rendering engine into line with
v2, effectively making them the same. You *should* be seeing the same
results in either version, OS-specific features aside (font rendering etc).

Having said all that, I'm not sure what's causing your error.

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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