On 21/08/05, Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Everything on a web page is relative to the viewing device, and so px is
> not relative to anything relevant in the text sizing context. At any
> given resolution, px is no less absolute or fixed than cm, in, or pt,
> all of which cannot be resized by IE users.

IE _for Windows_ users. And that's not a problem of px.
Opera has no problem resizing px, not only text but images too.

Shall I quote again? Joe Clark at @media 2005:

"Today, I want everyone in the room to take a vow never to say
anything like that ever again. Do not tell people, or tell yourself,
or even think that there's something inherently wrong with pixel-based
fonts. What there's something inherently wrong with is Internet
Explorer for Windows"

> Whether they are aware or not, they are all humans who cannot read
> something that isn't big enough to see. By sticking not just to relative
> units, but to relative units *and* medium/1em/100% as the size
> dominating your pages, you're making them accessible to absolutely
> everyone.

"absolutely everyone."

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