Lea de Groot wrote:

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:51:00 -0700, Janelle Clemens wrote:
If you are using em with font-size is there is a way to clear the font-size
of a box element (stop the inheritance)?

No, not really.
I normally get around this by only setting font-size in two places, as a general rule (which always has exceptions, but very careful ones :))
The two places are:
- on the body tag, eg
body {
 font-size: 90.1%;
- on leaf elements, ie. I will rarely set something like:
#wrapper {
 font-size: 0.9em;
I am more likely to put:
h1 {
 font-size: 1.6em;
div.subnote {
 font-size: 0.9em;
Both of these will be 'leaves' in the DOM, ie they will not have any children (except maybe a span)


I'm just wondering how people handle the IE text resizing problem, where IE handles percentages much more accurately than em?

It would be more ideal to us em, but it seems more practical to use percentages for better accuracy of font scaling? What do others think?


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