I think everyone's put forward excellent arguments, thus far.
It's important to remember that a lot of the time the 'why are we doing this' questions get asked because we're after a reasonable justification for both ourselves and our clients. I don't think it's enough to do something purely becuase it feels right and it's warm and fuzzy. There are real-world concerns in our craft and we need to address the business issues (cost vs value) as much as the usability issues (ensuring the best conventions and treatment of our users) as much as the accessibility issues ('why do I have to have X to make this work?') as well as the moral issues ('standards are nice').
Fleshing out the reason why we do something is just as important as the how, especially for a 'relatively' new industry like ours.
In terms of the link to a single page - I love this idea. Like a Creative Commons for standards-compliant web sites  :o)
So what other pages chould go here...
1. Accessibility Statement
2. Chage Text Size
3. Make Home Page
4. Standards Explaination (with links to validators etc...)
Anything else?
R   :o)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Wrighton - StraightForward"
>> How about if we all designated a single page to link to which clearly explains how to change the text size in different browsers?

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