Julián Landerreche wrote:
> i'm testing some fonts in a new design, and I want to know is if it safe
> to use the System font value.
> In the character map (WinXP), the System font doesnt show any icon (nor
> the T nor the O ring).
> The System font is the one that usually is displayed when your (old)
> computer runs out of RAM memory and you get an horrible dialog box with
> "Ignore" or "Cancel" buttons.
> This System font doesnt seems to have a bold variant, nor a small-caps 
> variants.
> But I like and *I want to use it*.
> My question is:
> ¿is it safe?
> ¿Is this System font in all systems (Win, Linux, Mac) or at least in all
> Windows machines?

Which "system" font? In CSS2 & CSS3 system fonts have special meaning:
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you."
                                                Psalm 55:22 NIV

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