Bert Doorn said:
> Quick reality check....  What do most people use when visiting a
> website?  What do clients who pay the bill want?

Once upon a time it was NN4, now it's IE6, and tomorrow who knows? And
that's the point of designing to web standards. As for what the client
wants, I say it's two of: good, fast, cheap.

However, I doubt very much that the big driver is the visual design Bert,
and I doubt most people visiting or commissioning a web site give two
hoots as to how its built. Most people want to provide, or gain easy
access to, content that is *supported* by a visual design that
communicates values that are important to them and makes the site easy to

For the record, the people paying my bills *do* want standards based
design - I'm working in e-govt - and they want content that is usable by
people, and *easily* manipulated by machines.

To refine my point a little: web sites look the way that they do is
because we design them like that for no other reason than they are
familiar (with real world things, and web designs from the past 10 years
or so). Nothing wrong with that. But, given we've moved on a little bit
from last century, isn't it about time our designs did too?

If a 2 column CSS layout with a band of color down one side is difficult
to implement with todays technology, shouldn't we instead look for designs
that work with the technology we are using?

> On those sites that use tables nested to the nth degree you're
> absolutely right.  But a simple 1 row, two (or three or ...  column
> table with solid background colours (via CSS) is likely a lot lighter
> than multiple divs, background images, hacks, conditional comments,
> javascript etc.
yes, it's true you can make your CSS and JS files unneccessarily huge, but
setting a background on one or two div's *still* uses less code than the
equivalent markup for tables.

> And since we live in the real world, where real people use those buggy
> browsers, we do what works best.  Sometimes that means a table.   I
> agree tables SHOULD not be used for layout but it's not a crime to use
> one occasionally especially if the non table approach "adds unnecessary
> weight to the design".
Hmm, are you implying that I don't? =) No, it's not a crime, but really if
your design needs a table in the strucutral layer to support the visual
design, should you not revisit the visual design?

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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