
a) it's more efficient because the style sheet only gets downloaded once!
  b) you can reformat your whole site just by changing the CSS file!

and what, we just hope nobody notices that they contradict each other?

To me it's only a contradiction if you read "once" to mean "once in your lifetime" while I'm sure the intention is to say that the presentation does not need to be reloaded with every (x)html page you load on the site during a visit.

Having said that, I don't know how long browsers would actually cache the style sheet - I have had plenty of cases where I've updated it and had to resort to Ctrl+F5 to see the update (in various browsers). That might just be a server setting, but I don't know. Changing the css filename is not a good idea as you would then need to edit every html file to point to the updated file?

Regards --
Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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