Komal Agrawal wrote:
> From: Andy Budd
>> We've just launched our new company website, and would love your
>> feedback.
>> http://www.clearleft.com/
>> http://www.andybudd.com/

> Suggestion #3: Font size it too big...try dropping the size a little. I know
> accessibility is a concern, but it coming off as trying too hard.

Actually more web sites should be using larger than default where
emphasis is desired. It is a much too rare treat to not need to zoom to
see most of a page in my default size without a user stylesheet forcing
it to be so. If that page needs smaller text, it is only because your
own default is wrong for you.

It looks equally nice whether the viewport rectangle is horizontal or
vertical, though it's easy to make it narrow enough to force H1 to wrap
with that 2.4em size. I'd probably use 'impact, "arial bold",
sans-serif' at 2em or maybe 1.8em.

The only noteworthy fault I see on that page is some grammar in the
#highlight paragraph.

Epiphany has a peekaboo problem with it. If I scroll the page up and
down with the keyboard, "Make Websites Better" following "We"
disappears. If I hit end and home keys it reappears.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you."
                                                Psalm 55:22 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/

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