Hey Andy,

Nice looking site, simple, clean, well laid out and easy to read, good

> That's very odd. Anybody got any idea why the CSS validator should be
throwing up an error on:
> line-height: 1;
> but is happy with
> line-height: 1.0;
> ?
> Looks like a bug in the validator to me.

I'd say so, but wouldn't the error have more to do with the fact that the
value of line-height needs a unit of reference (px, % or em)?

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Andy Budd
Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2005 6:09 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Clearleft.com

Christian Montoya wrote:

> It gets worse... W3C gave you a CSS ERROR, which means they checked 
> your site just as you were editing, I'm sure... so the name is wrong, 
> the listing is wrong, and now you are disqualified from the featured 
> list. Hate it when that happens!

That's very odd. Anybody got any idea why the CSS validator should be
throwing up an error on:

line-height: 1;

but is happy with

line-height: 1.0;


Looks like a bug in the validator to me.


Andy Budd

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