Pat Boens said:
> 3) WCAG: we tend to create Triple-A templates, how good are we doing?
> our templates/pages really accessible?

Hi Pat,

a couple of points:

1) In one of your templates your skip nav link is the second to last link
in your navigation, which kind of defeats the purpose of including it.

2) In another you don't have skip links at all. Most browser don't have a
built in way to skip blocks of content so we must build it ourselves.

3) In another you have used tables for a simple two column layout, which
seems odd in this day and age (and in this forum). Please no table v. div
wars, read the archives instead ;-)

4) Please be wary of claiming your templates are triple A compliant. This
type of claim may be misleading because WCAG/S508 compliance is dependant
on content, over which you have no control. See PVII (hi Al ;-)) for a
great way to describe compliance with accessibility standards for
template/component systems:

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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