The whole idea that a float *even can* be sematically incorrect is
absurd. Floating is simply a style, the way something is positioned and
it has no implyed semantic meaning whatsoever.

That said, it's an honour to know that were popular enough to warrant
trolls ;)

> What a laugh. I especially love this quote...
> "Since when are using Floats for page-level layout, semantically correct?
> Floats are designed to float images within the context of a paragraph.
> Yet many designs that are supposedly Web Standards compliant, use floats
> to create page divisions."
> Here is just one very quick source from the W3C that justifies the use
> of floats for positioning of a box of content...
> and goes on to say what the float property can be applied to...
> So I guess his claim that "floats are designed to float images within
> the context of a paragraph" may need a little more research.
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