If at all possible don't use class names that describe the way something
looks, but more what the thing actually is. I find that using names that
discribe the style of something will almost always come back to bite
you. And depending on how large you project is, it can bite pretty hard.

I was working on a job for a company about 6 months (I was still very
new to web design then). The original thing they had there was a mess,
with <FONT> tags and other such ungodly tags up the wazoo (it was the
unfortunate result of someone useing Frontpage). So I converted it all
to the XHTML 1.1 specs, but in the process I used a couple of classes
like 'brownbox' and 'bluebox'. Well it turned out that those were poor
color choices, so it turned out that my 'brownbox' was actually
greenish, and my 'bluebox' was grey, and several other things that had
followed the same wort of thing. So in order to keep any subsequent
developers from going crazy I had to change all the class names. Which
was a lot of work given the aweful mess that ASP is.

I also agreen that human-readable URLs are a great idea; however, the
implementation of that sort of thing is very dependant on what your
working with, so unfotunatly it's difficult to give any guides.

Alan Trick

Nick Gleitzman wrote:
> James Oppenheim wrote:
>> I tend to use underscore for class and id, try very much to stay away
>> from two word file names.
> This is a question (discussion?) that comes up every couple of months
> here on the list - ultimately, I reckon you'll get as many 'conventions'
> in use as you've offered suggestions. I think it's very much down to the
> individual - and the ease with which other members of a team (or
> inheritors of legacy code) can work with your css.
> I believe there are strong arguments for creating filenames that result
> in logical, human-readable URLs.
> Underscores in class & id names are not a good idea - some browsers
> don't read them properly, and the styles aren't rendered properly, if at
> all... from memory, an early Safari was one such.
> N

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