I'm not quite sure what's going on, but the fact that they use
document.write raises big flags:

EXd.write("<img src='http:\/\/e0.ex...lots of nasty mess...dth='1'>");

document.write is not part of the DOM standard and will does not work on
XML pages (including XHTML). Your page is being sent as HTML so that
shouldn't be the problem, but regardless, that javascript is terrible by
modest standards. My suggestion is that you install php (or get a host
that supports it) and make your own.

Lyme Info wrote:
> Hi again,
> I made some more changes since posting, and I thought I had it working. 
> It seemed it was a line-wrap problem.  I found that I could turn off
> word-wrap in my text editor.  I hadn’t realized how important that was
> for javascript.  I made the change for the "medical" site, and it
> started to work! 
> I then went to the index page and removed the code from the splintered
> site.  I copied and pasted the code exactly from medical, changed the 3
> spots for user ID, and made sure the java code was on one line.  I
> viewed the source code to confirm.  But it isn't working.  I thought it
> was just an extreme tracker delay, but I've now waited quite a while and
> it still isn't tracking.  (It tracks me so I can easily test that)   I
> keep looking at the code and am baffled.
> Anyway, I felt I should say something since I changed things since my
> previous post and the code won't appear as I previously described.
> Cheryl
> *//* 
> *//* 
> *//* 
> */Lyme Info /*wrote:
>     Through a google search, I came across the discussions on this list
>     about making the extreme tracker compliant, but I am still having a
>     tough time getting it to work.
>     http://www.lymeinfo.net/medical.html
>     http://www.lymeinfo.net <http://www.lymeinfo.net/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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