James Ellis wrote:
>>> Conditional statements in HTML such as those used by IE/Windows are
>>> a slippery slope and they seriously break a central tenet of
>>> programming. They are contained with <!-- HTML comments --> and
>>> comments in code are not meant to be parsed as code. It's just plain
>>> badness.
>> I don't follow you here. These comments *are meant to be* parsed by
>> IE/Win.
> Wrong.. comments are not meant to be parsed by an interpreter.
> Comments are descriptive rather than interpretive.

IMHO, the issue here is that you see C.C. as a flaw while I see them as a
built-in features.
AFAIK, they are *very* reliable, so I'm not really interested in what the
interpreter is supposed to parse. Because parsing comments is not an exact
science among interpreters anyway...
Try this: <!-- <!-- --> hello world -->

> Taking one step back here from the browser level here to get closer
> to the programming layer would be good. The result of the use of code
> in comments is being focused on here rather than how the result was
> made. In programming, if we reach a result that appears to work based
> on poor coding, we don't have a solution to the problem - we have a
> workaround based on exploitable hacks. Mistakes building on mistakes.

I do not consider CC as hacks "per se".

> Forget that it's IE for a second and look at what is happening in the
> programming layer. There is an interpreter that is parsing the code,
> when it comes upon a comment section it blithely ignores the fact the
> programmer has escaped out of the interpreted part of the script and
> into the descriptive part of the script. "Oh, you didn't want me to
> parse that but I'll do it anyway -- just to be sure..." where could
> this end up? I don't know but I sure don't like the idea of any
> interpreter parsing comments, with unexpected results.

My point is that the interpreter is not guessing anything, it is built to
check if there is a conditional expression passed the "--".

> I agree with you both that it works in this situation, but it's based
> on flawed programming principles and in doing this we've exposed the
> fact that the IE interpreter parses what's in the comment, something
> that's not for the interpreter to consume. Place something benign in
> the comment that is then interpreted as an action to be carried out -
> bang! the interpreter falls over or worse. It's a seriously flawed
> method of developing applications.

The method is flawed only when badly implemented. But that's true with about
Within regular comments include an odd number of pair of these "--" and

>> What happens if someone adds a comment that happens to be
>>> parsed by some piece of software? the software then goes on and does
>>> some unexpected things.
>> Anything inside coments is supposed to be ignored by UAs so if
>> something goes wrong it would be because of the browser and not
>> because of what's inside these comments.
> Haven't you just said above that the special conditional comments are
> meant to be parsed by IE/Win? I don't follow.

I don't either. You're saying: "What happens if someone adds a comment that
happens to be
parsed by some piece of software? the software then goes on and does some
unexpected things."
IMO, there are only 2 possibilities:
1. The browser is not IE/Win 5+ : the comment is simply ignored
2. The browser is IE/Win 5+ : it checks for the presence of a conditional
expression after the "--"
I can't think of a third one where "a piece of software" would evaluate
what's inside the comment, unless of course we're dealing with a flawed
piece of software...

>> Comments, of course, can be machine readable such as those used to
>>> provide code documentation or CVS/SVN keywords, but these don't
>>> actually run anything or fork the code base.
>>> This is a 2005 version of mid 90's browser sniffing - forking the
>>> codebase to provide slighlty different content based on the client
>>> in use. Better to get the browsers actually rendering things to the
>>> published spec (hard, yes, but a better outcome).
>> IMHO, this is a nice idea, but not very realistic.
> Well, if we decide not to push the doors won't open.

Let's design for modern browsers only? That type of thing?

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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