
I can see where you're coming from, and I'm all for the programming purity you're advocating, but I want to stick my hand up in support of Thierry's position here. In fact, I was in the process of assembling all these filters myself when he posted his link to this list, so I'm grateful to him for saving me the extra work ;-)


is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2005Apr/0027.html

The last comment on CCs there shows the conflict of hack usage most clearly: "Their use encourages the practice of coding for specific browsers, which goes against the whole purpose of standardisation! CSS hacks do too, but they don't pollute the document markup and they're more acceptable if used in moderation and when absolutely necessary to maintain accessibility."

CSS hacks are pollution too, even in a style sheet. (And conditional comment usage for styling purposes need never be anything other than 'moderate'). Even the best hack - "star html," let's say - is worse than a CC imho, because sure, it's "valid," but it's not the least bit standard, and locating these hacks in the same place as standard rules only blurs the distinction between the two. CC's not only let me _isolate_ all the hacks from my standard style rules, they also let anyone else on the team (including novice coders) debug display problems *using only standard code* in a separate file. No-one needs to learn or implement anything other than CSS standards so, in a sense, you could say that conditional comments help teach good CSS. And the only 'semantic' content that's been changed in the (X)HTML is a reference to a file ... which is neither meaningful, nor part of the document content, or it wouldn't be in the head. I just don't see the downside (Andrew's mention of the extra few lines of code notwithstanding ... the hacks aren't made of helium, after all ;-)

One of the functions of this list and group is to implement best practices using W3C standards based development. These conditionals you talk about are a Microsoft addition to workaround bugs in their software (what happened to fixing the bugs?), like coloured scrollbars and DirectX calls in CSS instead of correct PNG alpha support.

The bugs will never be fixed, the conditional comment support to work around them will never change. It's as good as we ever get in this game.

Feel free to use your conditional comments, I'm not going to stop you, but don't pass it off as good programming.

Well, I am trying to pass it off as just that. Feel free to argue the point further if I you remain unconvinced.

Check out the HTML 4 spec on comments : http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/intro/sgmltut.html#idx-HTML for more info.

And check out the results of following only w3c specs in the browser most people still (inexplicably) use :-) It's just not professionally acceptable to deliver that to clients, as you well know. And I think CSS filters, as Thierry has listed them, while certainly outside the letter of the specs (and proper programming practice), are quite in keeping with their spirit.


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