Web page designed by clueless person. Film at 11.

Personally I think both designs have issues. The font size is too small
on the first one, and in the second one its a good size but it overflows
eveywhere. And don't go in to the code behind it all.

Kids these days :P

Felix Miata wrote:
> Soren Johannessen wrote:
>>Next week bibliotek.dk [Denmark] (url http://bibliotek.dk) is going to
>>redesign their website
>>"In bibliotek.dk you will find records of all items published in Denmark
>>as well as all items found in the Danish public & research libraries."
>>There is a beta version ready http://proto.bibliotek.dk/ - This was a
>>chock/surprice to see such a bad redesign in 2005 from a web standards
>>point of view. I am going to write a review  article (sorry this article
>>is going to be in Danish) what's wrong with this new redesign.My major
>>findings and what is wrong is [...]
> You're right about having a lot wrong. This shows just a few problems
> (it is worse farther down, or when zoomed):
> http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/SS/soren1.png
> The text is too small, and it often doesn't fit into the spaces allotted
> for it. The text is (too small) via relative sizing, but the space for
> it to fit is frequently set with px for container height or line-height,
> and overflow: hidden to go with it. The result is a lot of hidden or
> overlapping text when the user's browser is using uncommon settings.

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