try putting a "float:left" into your div.classdescriptions.

worked for me in FF.

On 10/13/05, GALLAGHER Kevin S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First off the site was designed before Firefox and was my first site. Now I have been seeing things were Firefox is displaying something's differently then IE which is fine except one thing.



On  I have listed classes for an instructor, items 2, 4 and 5 (some others farther down have the same issue) have text positioned incorrectly in Firefox but look correct in IE, specifically the content starting "An" in the first two problem areas.


If someone can look at this and tell me what needs to be done to fix this. Not necessarily looking for the fix code wise but more of is this a syntax issue or something I simple did wrong and IE is doing it's thing to fix things.


Thanks for taking the time to look at this page and if possible provide some feed back






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