Hi Mordechai and all,

You wrote:

or what do you think of those books
DHTML Utopia Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM

I've read so good reviews.

I have that book and find it a bit disappointing--I
tried out some of the ideas and find that,

Browser variations are such as to make it unlikely
that using listeners in your JavaScript code instead
of onmousewhatever attributes can now be a useful
step in "separating content from behavior" in your
pages. With a three-step conditional you can get
most of the PC users but perhaps not Safari users;
this engenders a lot more code and is not easier to
keep track of than the "bad old way" is. Note that
I am still trying and will have to have a session
with a Mac type (in my family) across town to check
it out. Of course the conversion of the BODY onLoad
attribute to a listener does appear to work well,
but that's not so new.

Some of the effects claimed don't seem to work at
all, at least not on my setup, trying them in
IE6 SP2 and Mozilla 1.7.

Probably not a bad book so much as ahead of its time
and a little too optimistic (about where CSS was six
years ago LOL).

I do use JavaScript, going well beyond what is OK for Web
use, for my local apps. Web site authors need to be careful
to use JavaScript only to add bells and whistles (rather
than content) to allow for the many users running without
scripting, many to avoid security threats.


Gene Falck

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