Ok.. I've cleared both floated columns by putting a cleared div in
there, but had to add a height to the #innerwrap for it to work.
#innerwrap is there to place the floated columns... necessary? Almost
there, I think. Not one hack yet and this page looks almost identical
in FF and IE.
Am I heading in the right direction?


Thanks, again, in advance.


On 18/10/05, Geoff Pack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adam,
> I had a quick look in IE 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and both pages looked the same on all 
> three.
> On IE6 Win the heading drops below the main photo, but on FF it doesn't. I 
> would start by getting the rendering the same on IE6 and FF and then see 
> what's happening with IE5 Mac.
> General comments:
> 1. Where are your paragraph tags? Why are you using <br /><br /> instead?
> 2. What is the point of all the class="list" in your list items? Drop the 
> class and style them with '#navigation li {...}'
> 3. You are really making things tough for yourself with the excessive CSS 
> hacks. As far as I can see, You don't need any of the min-height stuff - just 
> clear:both your columns and you'll be fine. Secondly, you are using 
> "html>body" selectors for FF pretty much everywhere you've set a padding on 
> an element. Here's a tip: don't set width and padding for the same element, 
> and you won't need box model hacks. In your case, set the width of the 
> columns, then set *margins* on the column contents (including the missing <p> 
> tags).
> I suspect your original problem will disappear if you fix these other things 
> first.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
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