If I understand you correctly, you want <pre> with word-wrap?

<pre> should only be used when the text you want to display is infact
preformatted, such as indented code. Applying word-wrap to such text
would be by definition to format it (and thus render in
un-preformatted (sic)).

If the text from the database is not actually preformatted beyond
linebreaks, why don't you do a search and replace on the text from the
database to format it properly. e.g. text_in_page = '<p>' +
replace(text_from_db, chr(13), '</p><p>') + '</p>'

...or use '<br />' if a new paragraph is improper.

Jachin Sheehy

On 10/25/05, Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media]
> Other than a scroll bar (overflow) there is no solution?
> The reason I need to use <pre> is that the content comes from a database that 
> doesn't use HTML <br>'s, but normal linebreaks. So to format the text 
> correctly I need to put it in <pre> tags, but of course I want it to still 
> fit into the rest of the content.
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