Ted Drake wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm plugging away at a dropdown menu that is based on the hybrid
> dropdowns ala alistapart: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/hybrid
> The second level is horizontal. But, here's the kicker, we'd like to
> make the third level a vertical dropdown.  As they say on MTV: pimp
> my dropdowns.
> For those that don't get the reference, it's a tv show, pimp my ride
> (http://www.mtv.com/onair/dyn/pimp_my_ride/ ), that does down right
> stupid, dope, fresh, something, something alterations to junky cars.
> So, has anyone done this or seen this before? I know it's not that
> novel of an idea. But you are looking at someone that just spent two
> hours trying to style links before I realized I forgot to put the
> text in <a> tags.

Hi Ted,
I've added more nested lists and a few rules into the orginal page [1] to
popup the grand children.
This is just to give you some pointers, but I'm not planning to modify the
scripts for MSIE to address this extra level (popup + tabbing navigation
through all list items). Should work fine in modern browsers:

[1] http://www.tjkdesign.com/articles/dropdown/demo.asp

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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