hi, about your first question sometimes I do some css files; one with de
principal layout and the other with the specific of each page.

About the second question, i think that there is no problem about use underscore
in the name, but sometimes css validator tell me warnings about that.


Hey folks!

I'm working on a project where nearly every web page differs from each
other in layout. Due to the nature of the project, it is a blend of admin
and report system, with a lot of configurations and various styled
reports. This has made my CSS file nearly 10kb large and consists of
nearly 600 rows of CSS code. Is this a problem in general? Are there any
issues regarding large CSS files? Any recomendations for CSS file sizes
both in KB and rows.

This is my first larger project, so maybe it is just me that's not used
to, what I consider extremly large CSS files.

My second question is about CSS selector naming and problems regarding
various naming styles. Are there any problems with the naming styles below
or is this just something I've got totally wrong? I've heard that you
should avoid underscore and mixing small (lower case) and large letters
(upper case).



#btnsave (always work, but is just so hard to read)

Thanks in advance!

Best regards
Jorgen Nilsson
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