Tried height adjustments (0, 1, 99%) in Safari, but no dice. It seems
as though the padding (needed here) is getting in the way no matter
what. I didn't think that the full-width div color would be so tricky.

I think that I can work my head around Terence's advice on the text
color (Thanks, Terence), but the issue of the div not taking the full
color is bothering me. I've also yet to see what transpires in Win/IE
- so might ask others to check it out once I'm closer to the final

On 15/11/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> > Ah, hang on, missed the bit about the white space. Why not just set
> > the padding on both div.input and div.item to 0, and reapply the
> > padding in div.item a:link? Also, you don't need the width: 100%; and
> > height: 100% in the a:link
> The width is not needed, but I believe the height should be equals to "0",
> "1%" or whatever (but *not* 100%),  to prevent IE5 from doing some
> "shrink-wrapping".
> Thierry |
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