On 11/16/05, CHAUDHRY, Bhuvnesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem: Using IE6, I am unable to select a part of the text from the
> content area. When I try to select a para or a line, all the text on the
> page within the parent <div> tag including the side menu bar get selected.

There is a JavaScript workaround - I'm not sure where I got this but
it's fixed the problem on one of my sites where it was occuring (code
at the end).

It introduces a page "flash" under certain cache settings in IE,
however. So it depends what's more important to you and your client,
the flash or the text selection.


Kay Smoljak

// begin code

// fix absolute positioning text selection problem with IE6
if (window.createPopup && document.compatMode &&
  document.onreadystatechange = onresize = function fixIE6AbsPos(){
    if (!document.body) return;
    if (document.body.style.margin != "0px") document.body.style.margin = 0;
    onresize = null;
    document.body.style.height = 0;
    setTimeout(function(){ document.body.style.height =
document.documentElement.scrollHeight+'px'; }, 1);
    setTimeout(function(){ onresize = fixIE6AbsPos; }, 100);

// end code
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