On 11/25/05 12:45 AM "Web Man Walking" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this

> I don¹t have a MAC

I do. And it's "Mac", not "MAC". "Mac" is short for "Macintosh".

> 1. Homepage - Text under dolls is not centred

Seems okay in Safari.
> 2. Homepage - No logo showing

If that's the green, phallic sort of thing, seems okay in Safari.

> 3. Rest of site - Top bar missing

Yeah, there's no top bar in Safari.

> 5. Slow 

Slowness wouldn't be OS dependent. Slowness would be bandwidth or server
dependent, or possibly too-big-of-graphics dependent, but those would affect
all platforms. You probably know that. :-)

I didn't find the site "slow" in Safari on my Mac, fwiw.


Rick Faaberg

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