designer wrote:
Just over a year ago, I decided to improve my knowledge of CSS, which (although I'd been using it for a few years) seemed a good idea.

Yes, that is a very good idea.

I joined the CSS list, then this one, I read Jeffrey Zeldman (and a lot of web sites about standards) and everything was rosy in the garden. Of course, I had to overcome the obstacle of thinking in terms of content/presentation and doing away with tables etc, but once I'd got through the trauma of floats etc it all made sense. I imagine that's much the same for all of us.

Yes, we all face those obstacles to begin with and you've done well to get this far already.

However, just lately (a few months maybe) there has been an increasing number of folk arguing about xhtml and xml and mime types and oh dear dear, headaches all around. The result? I now feel totally confused

Confusion amongst beginners about all of these issues is one of the primary reasons why XHTML is not suitable for beginners, because an understanding of them is required to be learnt by anyone attempting to use XHTML.

However, the biggest problem is not that XHTML is complicated, anyone can learn it if they put in the effort, it's that those of teaching the beginners are not united on the issue. With different information coming at you from all different sides, there is no wonder you are confused by it all.

(I admit I don't really understand all that mime stuff - yet) but more importantly, my confidence has gone.

It's important that you don't lose your confidence, as I said you've done extremely well to get where you are and you should be proud of yourself and your efforts.

By far, the most important issue facing beginners with regards to standards is the separation of semantics, presentation and behavioural layers into well structured, valid, non-presentational markup; CSS and javascript, respectively, and it sounds like you've already made significant steps toward these goals already.

The other major issue involved, and the one we have been discussing that has resulted your confusion and lack of confidence, relates to in-depth technical issues of the medium. MIME types are perhaps one of the most confusing, as they don't seem to directly relate to how you perceive the way the web or your development tools work. I will briefly discuss them for you at the end of this e-mail.

Since Zeldman (and lots of others) told me it was a good idea to write
xhml strict I've done exactly that

In theory, authoring in XHTML does have significant benefits over HTML. However, the information often left out by those advocating its use by beginners can have significant consequences (many of which have been discussed in recent threads). Authoring XHTML requires it be developed in an XML environment and at least tested extensively under XML conditions (even if it will eventually be served to the world as HTML).

The fact is that precisely none of the purported benefits of XHTML are sustained in a purely HTML authoring environment, and that is precisely how the vast majority of beginners, including yourself, actually end up developing XHTML, simply because a) information is left out and b) as evidenced by your e-mail today, beginners cannot be expected to understand it all anyway.

every site I've done in the last year has been done in xhtml strict. I did it because people were telling me that it was a good thing, so that what I've done was easily portable later on. So have I done a daft thing? I really don't know!

Firstly, to be clear, I do believe XHTML is a very good thing and there are significant benefits to using it. So, people telling you to use XHTML is not necessarily a bad thing, but the problem is that you were not ready for it at the time. Given your current experience, however, you may now be ready to start learning it all.

I don't think you have done a daft thing, we all need to learn some how. Whether or you not learned in the most ideal way can be, and is being, questioned; but regardless of the answer you've still learned very valuable lessons with regards to standards based development, and as I said, that is the most important thing.

MIME Types

As I promised, this is a (not so) brief discussion of MIME types and how they relate to this discussion of HTML vs. XHTML.

Mime types are the means by which applications should determine how to handle the content they receive from the web. Despite popular misconceptions (and the behaviour of some broken web browsers in some cases), file extensions are not supposed to used by the browser to determine what to do with the file, file extensions are supposed to be meaningless in the context of the web.

This may seem confusing at first because when you write an HTML file, you give it a .htm or .html extension and that seems to be how it knows what type of file it is. In many ways, this is indeed the case, but there is a necessary step in between that is not quite so obvious.

Common file extensions are typically associated with specific MIME types. For example:

.htm .html   text/html
.xht .xhtml  application/xhtml+xml
.gif         image/gif
.jpg .jpeg   image/jpeg
.png         image/png
.txt         text/plain
.pdf         application/pdf

So, although the file extension is commonly used for determining the MIME type, it is the MIME type that the browser should use to determine what the file is and thus what to do with the it.

When the web server receives a request for a file, it needs to determine what type of file it is and, thus, what it should tell the browser when it sends the file. It is common for web servers to make use of the file extension to determine how to process the file. This is how it knows to execute .php, .asp or .jsp files, for example, and also how to serve .html, .png, .jpg, etc. But, for the browser receiving the file over the web (usually via HTTP), the file extension is meaningless and can be left off the URI completely.

This information is sent to browser (preferably including character encoding information for text/* documents) using the Content-Type HTTP header, and should look something like this for HTML:

  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Unfortunately, charset information is generally left out of the HTTP headers and so for most sites, it will simply be:

  Content-Type: text/html

That may look somewhat familiar to you, if you ever used this meta element in your document:

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

In HTML only, the meta element is an inferior attempt at providing this information within the document itself, but it is not a proper substitute for real HTTP headers, the HTTP headers always take precedence. For XML, that particular meta element is not used by the browser at all, under any circumstances.

As mentioned previously, XHTML really should be served with an XML MIME type, such as application/xhtml+xml. Technically, any XML mime type should work if both it and namespace are known to the web browser, but that is the preferred MIME type to use.

When you use text/html, HTML parsing and rendering rules are applied. Regardless of any XHTML DOCTYPE you use, XML rules are not applied, well-formedness errors are handled like any other erroneous HTML document, the DOM will be generated and worked with, and CSS will be applied according to HTML rules.

When you use an XML MIME type, XML parsing and rendering rules are applied. This means that XML well-formedness errors will be fatal and the user will typically see the "Yellow Screen of Death" (in Mozilla based browsers), the DOM will be generated and worked with, and CSS will be applied according to XML rules. This means that any scripts or styles written and tested under HTML conditions may not function as expected in XML conditions.

As I mentioned earlier, the MIME type is used by the browser to determine what to do with the file. Because IE is not aware of what application/xhtml+xml means, it doesn't recognise it as an XML document and asks the user what to do with it (either save it or open with another application).

Lachlan Hunt
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