- Creating an xhtml 1.0 document.

- Cleaning out 'human bugs' in HTMLTidy -> 'convert to xml'.

- Serving it as 'xhtml' with the extension '.xhtml' to browsers that can
make anything out of it - Opera, Moz/FF, Safari - internally and on line.
    Info: application/xhtml+xml - no errors - no apparent problems.

- Changing the extension down to '.html' to get wide-spread support,
with no additional changes to the document.

- Run it through any browser I care to support - and maybe a few others
and the validator for good measure - no apparent problems.

Greetings everyone:

line 2 above, how do you convert to xml? I have Tidy installed on mozilla/fx but i don't see anyway to convert. More explanation would be appreciated!

i'm really appreciating these threads. i've been sticking with html4.01 until i understand what i'm doing, maybe that time is approaching? maybe...

i ran into the information about how complicated all this was about 7 months ago, 3 months or so after i started learning css-p. so i don't have any new websites as xhtml.

anyways, some elaboration by you Georg or anyone else obviously, on your methods would be appreciated.



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