What browser are you using?

That should work on most of them, but Internet Explorer has a
mis-feature were it does something really wierd. I think what it does is
assigns elements with id's to variables with the id's name. I'm not sure
though, I haven't tested it out enough.

The consequence though is that if you try to assign an element to a
variable with the same name as that elements id, IE will fail to assign
the element (the variable will still be null) and it may give a really
cryptic complaint later on if you try to use it again.

Alan Trick

On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 00:58 +0000, Chris Lamberson wrote:
> . . . .
>         var toggle = document.getElementById('toggle');
>         var onoff = document.getElementById('onoff'); 
> . . . .

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