I was just thinking about that and I don't think google.com (or for that
matter - anything that company creates) would manage to get more than 1

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 12:00 +1100, Peter Williams wrote:
> > From: Herrod, Lisa
> > 
> > Who really pays attention to the badges?
> > 
> > Are the badges useful? really? surely an accessibility page 
> > on the site is more informative and helpful/useful/clear
> > to those who are interested.
> > 
> > We work this way because it's best practice and the right 
> > thing to do; it's faster and more efficient...
> I should point out that I don't use the W3C buttons on any
> sites, I try always to make sites comply with standards and
> to be functionally efficient. I wouldn't use any new rating
> or badge system either unless it was mandated.
> I think it would be amusing to see all the pretty but broken
> sites with no stars or 1 star though.

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