Can't give you the stats but the 550px max width for text rule-of- thumb I use sort of dictates image sizes. (about 250px - 300px wide max).

I've also found with clients that I often have to design for thier browser/monitor no matter my well-founded arguments to the contrary:-}

I thought I made my point in the original post. While I agree that sites should work at any resolution, and some (many possibly) people don't browse with browser maximised. What I can't do is supply all the images for a site at 10x10 pixels in case someone using a PDA wants to view the site. What I CAN do is try to make the site presentable at any resolution and optimize the images etc. for certain resolutions. In order to satisfy the majority in this case, I would like to have the figures as a guide. It is also useful to tell clients that "What you want won't work becuase only x % of people have the same resolution as you" Rather than make up the figures, it is better to have hard data.

I AM AWARE of the limitations of using screen-resolution data. But it doesn't completely invalidate the collection of such data.


Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Stephen Stagg wrote:
Slightly off-list but important all the same.

I traditionally design sites to look good at 800x600 and best at 1024x768. Now, tho, it seems as if users visiting with resolutions of 800x600 are around the 1% margin...

It is the viewport size that matters, the screen resolution is essentially irrelevant. It is an invalid assumption that everyone surfs with a maximised browser window; or even if it is, that it takes up all the space. The browser may also have a sidebar or anything else which can take up any amount of space.

Personally, my screen resolution is 1280x1024, but my browser window is usually around 900x900 - I do not like a browser taking up my whole screen. In fact, that is even narrower than a maximised browser on 1024x768.

dd a sidebar to that, which would be roughly 200px wide when open, that leaves less than 700px width for the web site to play with, which is almost half the width of my screen resolution. So please understand that any screen resolution statistics you find will be nothing short of completely useless.

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