designer wrote:
Are you serving the webpages as mime-type "application/xhtml+xml" ?
Because that is the only mime-type that should be used with XHTML 1.1.

It can also use application/xml or text/xml (although it's best to avoid text/xml completely), or other appropriate XML MIME type.

Only 3 differences? I seem to remember more than a dozen . . . What are your 3?

There's 3 listed in the XHTML 1.1 Appendix A [1]. However, there are other undocumented changes too. One that I can remember is that the usemap attribute changed from a URI in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 to an IDREF in XHTML 1.1.

That means for image maps, it must be written using a fragment identifier like this in XHTML 1.0:
<img ... usmap="#foo">

but like this in XHTML 1.1:
<img ... usmap="foo">

Both refer to:
<map id="foo"/>

I've no doubt there are other differences too, but I've never really gone through and looked hard enough myself.


Lachlan Hunt

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