Thomas Livingston wrote Wed, 21 Dec 2005 10:58:36 -0500:
> On Dec 21, 2005, at 10:00 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
> >> On Dec 21, 2005, at 5:43 AM, Felix Miata wrote:

> >>> properly
> >>> configured

> >> By this you mean default install?

> > Default install of what? X? Display? Fonts? Browser? OS?
> You said:
> >  On every properly
> > configured standards-compliant browser, medium is the same as unstyled
> > and exactly the best size.
> So were talking properly configured _browser_. Browser.

It can help a whole lot to quote enough to retain context, which you
didn't in your post I replied to.
> > My experience with installers is they more often than not "finish"
> > without announcing to the user their personalization options, leaving it
> > up to the user to discover and adjust accordingly in order to be fully
> > configured properly.
> Still talking browsers?????
> So... (new) listers looking for help, might need to know what
> 'properly configured browser' is. If most users don't change a thing
> when they install a browser, or change the one that came with their
> PC, then what's properly configured mean? People should keep
> _default_ configuration in mind. Out-of-the-box viewing scenarios. No?

Seeing how out-of-the box now seems to be 1024x768 @ 96 DPI in most
cases, and 1280x1024 @ 120 DPI in many cases (common on laptops, which
are now outselling desktops), it seems unlikely that the default the
browser comes with is going to be substantially different from
acceptable to most users. Opera and KHTML do a better job than Gecko and
Safari (as does IE), because they come set with regard to system DPI,
setting up px sizes based upon 11pt or 12pt (e.g. Opera @ 120 DPI 12pt
== 20px, while @96 DPI 12pt == 16px), while Gecko is virtually always
16px (virtually because some Linux distros serve up their Firefox
flavors at 14px).
Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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