Joshua Street wrote:

Hmm, thanks. Should learn to RTF... website... or something :P

HOWEVER! When I do that, IE6 with XPSP2 gives me security warnings and
blocks it by default... then, it kills my typography (though
positioning and image replacement and backgrounds all stay okay)
whilst doing absolutely for PNG support (aside from breaking
background-position: on one PNG-powered background image! but that's
documented so no problems)

Anyone else got security warnings from IE when loading individual
modules of DE-IE7? Or is it just me/draconian security settings here?

Hi Joshua: I haven't tried using just individual modules but when i use the whole thing I get the warning locally (very aggravating - and, of course, its an IE issue, nothing wrong with Edwards' stuff). anyway, when its loaded on the web, i don't get the warnings - for me, and i assume, anyone else.

Can post example if desired...

i wonder if its different for individual modules though, somehow. would like to see your example.


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