Hi Lynne,

Thanks for your comments.

Unless I'm very much mistaken, it 'is' sent as text/html - that's the point. OK, it does say that it is application/xhtml+xml in the meta tag, but that is just ignored when it's sent with the correct mime type. Also, try as I might, I can't get it to be invalid when using the w3c checker. . .


If I'm missing something here, perhaps one of our learned colleagues will tell me?
Best Regards,

Bob McClelland

Cornwall (UK)

Lynne Pope wrote:

I didn't want my first contribution to the group to be a comment on another person's website, but as you said you are learning Bob I thought you might find this helpful. The problem with browser sniffing is that you have to be very careful to serve the right information. At the moment, your site does not validate for css or for HTML 4.01. In IE, your site shows <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; It needs to be sent with the "text/html" mime type. A little tweak to your php code and you will have it nailed ;)


On 1/6/06, *designer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    The approach I use (I'm learning, incidentally)  was triggered
    originally by Georg :  write your page as XHTML ( 1.1 even) and
    serve it whilst testing as application/xhtml+xml.  When it
    validates and there are no well formedness errors, you can serve
    it in any way you want/need, knowing that 'it's ready'.  For
    anyone who hasn't seen it, a great way to actually use the
    resulting code is to use PHP to check the http_accept and insert
    the DTD header/mimetype as appropriate (see


    I have used this approach on my site ( [1 ]below) and this serves
    the pages as html 4.01 to IE , and xhtml1.1 to 'modern browsers
    like FF, Opera, etc.  I'm not sure of the real world value at this
    time, but certainly it is an excellent discipline in helping me
    write well formed pages.

    Best Regards,

    Bob McClelland

    Cornwall (UK)
    [1]  http://www.gwelanmor-internet.co.uk

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