On 10/01/06, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the help Seona,

I followed the advice in the URL you sent me and
everything works great. Well, sorta...

Adjusting the height created another issue in Opera 8.
It's no longer displaying the background image for
#sitewrapper. I'm not sure if it's a bug in Opera 8,
or it's due to my inexperience with CSS. I've tried
setting height to 100% in each id selector  and tried
various arrangements, but that didn't work. anybody
have any advice?

No problems. Sadly, your tinyurl's are no longer working, so I can't have another look at what you've done. Only thing that comes to mind off the top of my head is to make sure you included the ".clearfix {display: inline-table;}" bit in the easy clearing code. This is an Opera fix, and it may or may not have something to do with the problem you're experiencing.

Other than that, not too sure.



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