liorean wrote:
On 11/01/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As far as character references in HTML are concerned, they have always
referred to the Unicode code points since HTML 2.0.

Ah. I just saw

         BASESET  "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET
                   International Reference Version
                   (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0"
         BASESET  "ISO Registration Number 100//CHARSET
                   ECMA-94 Right Part of
                   Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1"

in HTML3.2 and

          BASESET  "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
                    ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 UCS-4 with
                    implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"

Oh, you're absolutely right. My mistake, ISO-646 is US-ASCII, I forgot that it formally changed to ISO-10646 in HTML 3.2. However, ISO-10646 is mentioned in the prose of RFC 1866 several times and implementations are advised that numeric character references (beyond latin1) should reference those code points. However, HTML 2 does formally use Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1) for char refs, but these code points are a subset of ISO-10646 anyway.

Lachlan Hunt

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