On 1/14/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tables for forms is ok in some cases, forms can be considered tabular.

This one has always confused me. There is a linear relationship
between a field's label and the field proper, yes, but how does one
mark that up as a table? SHOULD that be marked up as a table?

I consider, in that case, <label [for=""]> to be mostly adequate, but
there are situations where it is not (for example, where is the
semantic sense in associating one label with two fields, as is the
case wherever input type="radio" is used). Recently, I've used a
definition list (as this defines a relationship between two items
better than most other element combinations could), but it feels
hackish and is horrendously difficult to style consistently.

Because I was trying to style it to appear as a table would.

If I were to style it as a table, then I'd consider the key to be
<th>, and the value to be <td>... but of course, this doesn't work
terribly well.

Has anyone created (or does anyone know of) a resource that explains
the relationship between/best practices for forms/tables?

Josh Street
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