On 1/15/06, Sarah Peeke (XERT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW I have found this article:
> <http://jeffcroft.com/blog/archives/2004/10/styling_fieldset_and_legend.
> php> which talks about an IE underscore hack using:
> fieldset{position:relative} legend{position:relative;_top:-0.5em}
> Does anyone recommend using this in light of IE7?
> Thoughts, suggestions appreciated.
> Sarah

You always have to be careful using CSS hacks. Luckily in the case of
IE you can use conditional comments so you can be sure that only IE
will ever see the hack, and then only the version(s) of IE that you
target with the conditional comment. IE7 may or may not allow the
underscore hack, and even then IE7 may render the legend differently
anyway, so it's probably best to target browsers less than IE7, and
then come back to test the page when you can get your hands on the
public beta of IE7.
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