Rene Saarsoo wrote:
Well... I agree, that the proposed markup-structure would be
semantically most correct:
But can you imagine working with that sort of list in a browser
where stylesheets aren't available? For example in Lynx it would
look something like the following:
Whats so wrong with using good-old table... (skipped summary attribute
and possibly more, that should be added):

If it gets that complicated I'd rethink the setup. For instance, rather than having all those links, lists, tables etc I'd use a simple form with select and 3 submit buttons.

[ select category ] [ add ] [ edit ] [ delete ]

You can have option groups in the select. Example:

  <form action="whatever">
    <select name="product">
      <option value="">Select Product</option>
      <optgroup label="Fruits">
      <optgroup label="Vegetables">
    <input type="submit" value="Add"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Edit"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Delete"/>

But perhaps I misunderstand the function of the page in question.

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