On 1/30/06, Paul Novitski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 05:44 PM 1/29/2006, SunUp wrote:
> >Does anyone know of a method which will toggle the visibility of the
> >FAQ "answers" while still displaying everything properly without
> >javascript, and that adheres to current best practise for javascript?
> Hmm.  The text-toggling examples folks have posted on this topic use
> {display: none} to hide text.  I'm under the impression that some
> screen readers will not speak text that's been hidden with {display: none}. 
> [1]

I'm wondering if that includes my method. You can revisit the 2nd
reply to this question to see the method I mentioned, but here's how
the event works:

The toggle link is:

<a id="membershow" class="toggle" href="#">[Show text]</a>

notice there is no onclick!

Then the CSS is:

* { display:block; }

not display:none;

In the JS is where everything happens:

setElementStyleById("exec", "display", "none");

document.getElementById("execshow").onclick = function() { ... }

Now, the question is whether this still fails in screen readers with
JS. I really can't tell, because I can't test it. I imagine that if
the links are encountered in the context, they can be handled
allright, and the text that appears comes right after the link in the
markup. If the user is just hearing the links on the page, then these
links definitely don't make much sense. But I'm thinking this method
works out in the end... even if on first past, the user can't tell
what they are supposed to do (all they hear is "header Executive Board
link [show text] header Members link [show text] etc. etc.), at least
this is better than hearing all the text on the page at once, which
involves going through e-mail address after e-mail address after
e-mail address.[1] I know I can't prove this because I can't test it,
but I have seen how a screen reader works (I think it was JAWS) and I
think I would rather work with this page than the page without
Javascript (a laundry list of e-mails).

[1] then again screen reader users rarely go through text linearly,
but rather jump around through lines, paragraphs, etc. In that case
this JS might not be helpful... but as for why there isn't a way to
detect the use of a screen reader with JS, I don't know.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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