I would use:

<ul id="nav-bananas">
    <h3>Buncrana Town</h3>
      <li><a href="" Directory</a></li>
      <li><a href="" Directory</a></li>
    <ul >
      <li><a href="">       <li><a href="">     </ul>

Where 'bananas' is replaced with a semantically suitable name such as main for main navigation or supp for supplemental etc...

I would use h3 as long as it fits in with the rest of your markup, for example h1 for page subject, h2 for content subjects on the current page, h3 for content subjects off page.


On 01/02/06, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
for a vertical navigation bar with multiple headings like this:

     <div class="navcontainer">

         <h3>Buncrana Town</h3>
<ul >
        <li><a href="" Directory</a></li>
        <li><a href="" Directory</a></li>
<ul >
        <li><a href=""
        <li><a href="">        .....
so on.......


What is the proper heading to use(h1, h2, h3)?


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