Joseph R. B. Taylor wrote:
Perhaps you can help me with this mystery. I built this site over a year ago, and recently Firefox (I'm using 1.5 (could be the issue)) has stopped displaying my background image on the main content (on subpages only) and is instead just making the background black! I even went into the CSS and added a background-color: #FFFFFF and it didn't affect the behavior at all.

The background is displaying just fine on all pages I checked. Have you tried viewing the page from another computer, if you have one available, and seen the same problem? Does the same problem occur whether you're viewing the page from the web or from your local file system? Do you have any firewall software enabled that could possibly be interfering with the page? I've known Norton Internet Security to cause problems with pages before, which are fixed by disabling it, though I've never been able to work out exactly why it causes problems at all.

However, there is a problem with the CSS that you should fix.

body {
  background-image: url(../images/greenBG.gif);

You should specify a background colour and a foreground colour as well. You shouldn't rely on the browser defaults, some users may change them and their choices may clash with yours.

  background: #X url(../images/greenBG.gif);
  color: black;

(where #X is roughly the same colour green as the greenBG.gif.)

Lachlan Hunt

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