On 2/11/06, Paul Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I saw the "Target Sued" story over on Cnet (http://tinyurl.com/b3u29). What
> was amazing to me was the response from a Mr Troy Gaddis in the talkback
> section (bottom of above page under the title "This is Absurd". Here's a
> highlight:
>  "Why do people with disibilites think they DESERVE compensation for such
> things. I can definetly understand the actual physical store front for being
> able to accomodate for wheelchair entrances and such, but, this is america,
> and seeing as how they are not owned by the government, they should have
> their website designed any way they like. ANYONE who does web programming or
> development (I do) knows that complying with these would be difficult, and
> in some situations, impssible. Especially if navigation menu's are written
> in JavaScript or Flash..."

Sounds like he has no idea how simple it is to make a website
accessible. But that's not the big deal here. If you look at all the
comments at Cnet, you'll see that a lot of people agree with Mr.
Gaddis... which brings to light a bigger social problem behind the
fight for accessible websites; a lot of people, at least in the U.S.,
just don't care about making accommodations for people with
disabilities. There isn't any convincing them otherwise, because you
can't make them compassionate; all we can do is hope that the Target
lawsuit inspires a precedent for accessibility so that people like Mr.
Gaddis have no choice but to consider making websites accessible.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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