I've been following this discussion with great interest.

I've taught HTML, CSS and JavaScript at a TAFE, but not as part of a coding course, as part of a graphic design course. That's an interesting environment in which to think about standards -- the students were totally focused on design and graphics, and were really learning three applications: Photoshop, FireWorks and DreamWeaver, rather than what web pages were all about.
I actually think that is a sign of the educational institutions being slow to catch up in their approach to web design. From what I can tell it currently seems to be considered either:

   * an add-on to a graphic design course, in the form of 'and you can
     turn your print/marketing campaign into a web site/online
     marketing campaign'.
   * as a part of programming and applicatoin development.

Again, anecdotally, either scenario seems to prioritise one aspect of the process whilst downplaying or ignoring the importance of the other. It would seem that eventually a crossover course is needed, perhaps in the form of some type of 'design or development major' . Design students interested in the web should receive the relevant knowledge to work in that environment right from the beginning. Equally developers should we well versed in aspects of usability and interface design, particularly when learning their client side technologies.

At the moment in Ultimo we have the balance of 9 hours/week multimedia and design, 9 hours per week scripting, HTML, CSS and XML, and 1 1/2 hours usability and accessibility. It's a fairly good balance but there is so much to get through in 6 months. Once they leave the Cert IV they don't cover any aspects of client side web design again - the next year is all .NET development (no PHP unfortunately ;( )

I have sat in course implementation workshops where interface design has been dismissed as drawing pretty pictures, and then HTML and CSS has been downplayed to "learning a few tags - 6 or 8 hours tops" (by the same person, no less!)

I am not suggesting that we produce a "jack of all trades", but I feel the education must start out in a much more generalised way.

On a positive note, I have noticed a steady stream of designers enrolling in the course to learn how to work for web. Most come in with some Dreamweaver experience and the notion that they will learn advanced Dreamweaver. For some of them 12 weeks of css and html in notepad is too much, but most of them embrace the idea of learning theories of usability, accessibility and end up performing really well.

It would be great, however, if there was a course that started taking responsibility for the different aspect of web design in a far more holistic way right from the begiinning.
I agree with points others have made:

1) IT staff have an amazing amount of control over what is allowed -- to the detriment of the students' learning what happens in the real world. Not one of my students had ever FTPd a file to a server so, for instance, all their paths had to be relative and they could make mistakes with case-sensitivity with impunity.

2) Syllabuses are either out of date, or more likely, so general as to be meaningless -- students on my JavaScript course had to learn "a scripting language". Students on my HTML course had to learn "a markup language". I could have taught them Visual Basic and SGML and been entirely within the guidelines.

3) There's no time -- I taught a class of fifteen graphic designers the very basics of HTML in a class lasting in total, five hours or so. When they said "how do I get two columns in my page?" I taught them to do a table. Mea Culpa. I did, of course, explain about table versus div positioning, font tags versus CSS, but I didn't attempt to teach them two completely different languages in that very short time. If they achieved a valid page with an <h1>, a couple of <p>s and a working link, I was happy. But I can't say I advanced the cause of standards much...
               "Have You Validated Your Code?"
John Horner                            (+612 / 02) 8333 3594
Developer, ABC Kids Online            http://www.abc.net.au/
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The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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