On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 02:02:35 +0200, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
> <...>
> c) How many have an idea what 'px' or 'pt' is, and have an idea how big
> is 16pt/px. Same goes for DPI settings.
In an attempt to inject something factual into this debate, a quick
calculation for my 15" 1440 x 1050 laptop tells me that a 10px font size
is the same size as (poorly cast) 6pt type on paper. 16px is 9.6pt.
1pt = 1/72".

I just changed Windows xp to 120 dpi, but this does not appear to have
altered the text size in Firefox, but has increased it 25% in IE - so I
set IE to "smaller" to compensate.

David Hucklesby, on 2/22/2006

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