On 23/2/06 10:19 PM, "Ian Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kevin Futter wrote:
>> Anyway, for the benefit of others interested in this thread/topic, the
>> upshot from the above link seems to be that the pipe character (|) is the
>> best compromise currently available as a screen reader-friendly element
>> separator.
> I profoundly disagree with that. The vertical bar is the worst thing you
> can use in a breadcrumb trail, regardless of how it reads in a screen
> reader. This is conventionally used on the web as a separator for
> sibling links, and it really doesn't work as a breadcrumb separator for
> sighted users.

For the record, I was merely summarising the article that Patrick's earlier
link pointed to, not endorsing its conclusions. I too tend to agree that the
pipe is a poor choice for sighted users as it already has semiotic
significance on the web.
> I don't think a list is appropriate markup for breadcrumbs and prefer
> the conventional "You are in: home > products > foo"

We certainly agree here!

> Screen reader users in our user testing on sites with this construct had
> no problems with it reading "home  greater than products greater than
> foo", and reported that it was a very useful aid.

Now I find this very interesting, mainly because the article seemed not to
be based on any user testing, but rather a developer running various
alternatives through JAWS and making assumptions about the usability of the
results. (Please correct me if I'm wrong - I didn't bookmark the link so I
can't go back to confirm.) What you're saying is based on direct observation
of and feedback from the target audience, which is of course far more

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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