>What is it about low quality that keeps you attracted?

It's not that I'm "attracted" to it, I simply don't really care about it.
I see those huge fancy flat screen monitors on high res, with all
their kiddie-safe rounded corners and pastelly colours. They look like
a Fisher-Price toy.

At this res I can read everything without squinting or leaning forward
or constantly upping the size in browsers because developers use teeny
tiny text (I have 20/20 vision btw, no glasses, no contacts).

It's a tool. I like to see everything clearly and get my work done. I
honestly don't care if image quality is lacking; it has no impact on
my work. I can do without the aesthetics.

>..jaggies and spindly text ..

<shrug> looks just fine to me.

Incidentally, I also had to be bullied into getting a mobile phone
(last year). Maybe I'm just a Luddite :)

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