On 2/27/06, Ian Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curby wrote:
> > Lachlan is right, I use image replacement to reposition and stick an
> > image in the upper-lefthand corner of the viewport instead of the
> > normal H1 text.  It stays visible in the corner for compatible
> > browsers.  Example:
>  > http://curby.net/doc/layout/jello-new.html
> Sorry to disagree but looking at your code, you should be using #content
> as the "back to top" anchor destination. Your use of a decorative
> graphic element on the left edge is irrelevant to the issue.

It is relevant insofar as it makes the header unusable for a go-to-top
link, and I was explaining to those who at first didn't understand my
admittedly cryptic comment about CSS "breaking" that functionality.

I'd like to go to the very top so perhaps #content wouldn't be good
for a "go to top" link, but I can probably use one of those existing
ID-ed divs.  And I just realized I don't have a skip to content link
for text views... will have to think about adding that in. Thanks
everyone for your help. =)

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