On 3/4/06, Vicki Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My own main bugbear is in product serial numbers where there is a
> mixture of numbers and letters. It's all very well knowing that O is
> rounder than 0, but if you don't have one of each to compare, it can
> be very hit-and-miss. I'm sure there must be many other situations on
> and off the web where usability is impaired in this way.

We've excluded these characters (0,o,1,l,i, and maybe a handful of
others I don't recall) for the Sunrise Family website [1] wherever
randomly generated (reset) passwords are sent out to users. This would
definitely have had an impact on feedback + phonecalls to 7: it's
difficult to underestimate the stupidity of large numbers of people.

Of course, we can only catch so many problems. The first week of the
site's life was characterised by messages from people saying "I
entered my ISP username/password and can't login... why?" Heh. (A few
extra "REGISTER" links have been scattered around the place since!)


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